The Laudato Si’ Team is a ministry of the Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry, going on its third year of activity. The Laudato Si’ Ministry Team participates in the promotion of the encyclical’s message by recommending diocesan-wide action steps, planning regional workshops and providing parish consultation. The team’s mission is to offer general education on Laudato Si’ and consultation on environmental issues to Catholic parishes, schools, and Archdiocesan groups. This year, the team had a leadership role in planning the Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice event in New Haven on Sunday, September 9th. Twelve Catholic schools are taking part in this year’s Laudato Si’ challenge, an initiative of the team to engage Catholics schools to initiate environmental justice efforts in their school and the local community. Members from the team also provided training to two Catholic parishes and one school in the Archdiocese on Laudato Si’ and specific environmental topics. The Laudato Si’ Team is an affiliate member of the Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs, offering a voice of faith to the current advocacy efforts of the organization.