Thriving Communities

EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program

First Round Applications Due Feb. 14

Key Grant Details:

Funding Available: Up to $48M distributed over three years, with individual grants ranging from $75,000 (Seed Funds) to $350,000 (Tier 3 Implementation Projects).

Eligible Projects: These projects should address issues such as environmental health, water/air quality, stormwater management, clean-ups, healthy housing, climate resiliency, and energy justice.

Application Deadlines: Round 1 applications are due by February 14, 2025, 5 PM EST. Additional rounds continue into 2026 or until funds are fully allocated.

Eligible Applicants: Nonprofits, tribal governments, local governments, higher education institutions, and other entities working in disadvantaged communities as defined by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.

Request help if needed- Technical assistance is available to guide you this process! Check out this great guide from EPN and contact them for additional help.

Want to support this initiative as a grant reader? The project team will release additional details in early 2025. Please sign up for general updates so you can learn more when the details are ready.

Use the following resources to learn more and support your application efforts:

– Webinar RecordingCRCJ’s Thriving Communities Grant Program Informational Webinar.

– Public Resources: General Grant Information: New England For Environmental Justice Grant Details Slides, Technical Assistance:  New England EJ TCTAC Informational SlidesEPN Resource Slides

For more information on the grant program, including application details, templates, and timelines, please visit the official website: or email your question to:

Michelle Peedin from Environmental Protection Network can be reached at
The UCONN TCTAC has an intake form:

The Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs (CRCJ) is Connecticut’s Anchor Organization for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program. This designation allows CRCJ to serve as a key connector, helping community-based organizations access critical funding and resources to advance environmental justice across our state.

As part of this program, CRCJ will work closely with the EPA Region 1 grantmaker, Health Resources in Action (HRiA), to recruit diverse applicants for subgrant opportunities. Our primary focus will be on community-based nonprofits, particularly those new to federal funding, to ensure that Connecticut’s environmental justice community is well-represented and well-supported. In addition, CRCJ will be maintaining a database of environmental justice-related funding opportunities from federal, state, and private sources, allowing us to provide ongoing support to Connecticut organizations working toward equitable environmental solutions.

The CRCJ will host open office hours every alternating Tuesday at 10:00 am beginning November 12, 2024. Questions? Email [email protected]

“We are honored to have been selected as CT's anchor organization. We know we are stronger together. We look forward to coalescing environmental justice organizations around Connecticut to take advantage of this opportunity to advance justice for our communities.”

EPA Region 1 is offering the following Environmental Justice Thriving Communities subgrants through the Region 1 Grantmaker, Health Resources in Action (HRIA):

Tier 1

Assessment Projects
$150,000 (1 year)

Tier 2

Planning Projects
$250,000 (1 - 2 years)

Tier 3

Implementation Projects
$350,000 (2 years)

UConn - Connecticut Transportation Institute - New England Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center

The University of Connecticut’s Connecticut Transportation Institute provides training and assistance to help organizations navigate federal and local grant systems, develop strong proposals and manage grant funding effectively. Services include providing guidance on community engagement, facilitating meetings and offering educational courses. Technical assistance professionals and partners create and manage communication channels to ensure all communities have direct access to vital resources and information. Unsure where to start? View the technical assistance flow chart below and get in contact with a professional here. 

Your Feedback Matters

Help better serve community-based organizations around the state by taking a brief survey.

Questions?  Email: [email protected]

View EJ Grant Opportunties

View a current list of environmental justice grant opportunities in Connecticut. Please send any additions or corrections to [email protected]

Ready to secure funding for your idea?

View a current list of environmental justice grant opportunities in Connecticut. Please send additions or corrections to [email protected]
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