CFHS State Legislation

Carbon Free & Healthy Schools - State Legislation

Creating Safe and Healthy Schools Through State Legislation: Carbon-Free and Healthy Schools for a Sustainable Future

Based on conversations with public works directors and school facilities staff, we have identified three primary barriers to implementing school energy improvements:

Access to Information

Without energy audits or feasibility studies, districts don’t know where to start or which energy upgrades will generate enough savings to pay themselves off over time.

Access to Low Cost Financing

Many municipalities have a low appetite for bonding and districts can’t cover the upfront cost of energy improvements with limited capital improvement budgets.

Access to Technical Assistance

Many districts don’t have energy professionals on staff to plan and implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

In 2023, we drafted a bill that would address these common barriers. Senate Bill 961, introduced by the Connecticut General Assembly’s Environment Committee, would have created a new program within the Connecticut Green Bank that offers solar and energy efficiency feasibility studies, technical assistance, and $400 million in low-interest loans for projects that cut energy costs. SB 961 (as LCO No. 8591) passed the State Senate with unanimous support, but never made it to a vote in the State House of Representatives. 

The bill will be reintroduced in 2024.

Looking to get involved?

Join the table and follow CRCJ on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to stay in the loop on actions you can take to support a statewide Carbon-Free & Healthy Schools program. 

Interested in learning more about the state legislative process?
Interested in lending your organization’s support to this bill in 2024?

Reach out to Allison Pilcher at [email protected]