CRCJ engages in collective action to win substantive policies that protect the climate and create good local jobs.

Our Platform

The Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs builds alliances among diverse constituencies to combat climate change, create jobs and promote racial, economic and environmental justice.

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We believe the climate crisis presents an opportunity to build thriving local economies that are not only more sustainable but also more just and equitable.

What We Do


We work with labor unions, environmental groups, social justice organizations and religious institutions.

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We advocate for renewable energy projects that create good paying jobs


We advance Connecticut’s transition to a low-carbon economy


We integrate racial and economic justice into our climate initiatives

Latest News from CRCJ


CRCJ Thriving Communities Anchor Organization Official Press Release

“I am thrilled that the CRCJ has been selected to continue their critical work combating climate change under this EPA program. CRCJ has the resources and connections to ensure that federal funding effectively addresses the disproportionate impact of pollution on our underserved neighborhoods. I will continue working with CRCJ by fighting to deliver investments for environmental justice in Connecticut.” – U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal

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Be A Part Of Change

Become a member of the Roundtable with a minimum donation of $25 to bring your voice to the table and  register your organization as an affiliate member in support of environmental justice in our state. Receive a free gift on us when you make a donation of $50.00 or more by January 1st. Already affiliated? Renew your membership by November 30th and receive a free gift on us.
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Our Affiliates

Here are a few of our ever-widening circle of allies willing to fight for policies that lead to a more just and vibrant society.

Incorporating Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Principles in Climate Adaptation Planning

The CDC has partnered with the American Public Health Association (APHA) to create the “Climate Change and Health Playbook: Adaptation Planning for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.” The playbook is a “comprehensive, step-by-step resource is designed to supplement the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework and support public health departments and adaptation planners as they blend JEDI into their climate and health efforts.”
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