The Naugatuck Valley Project (NVP)

The Naugatuck Valley Project (NVP) is a vibrant community organization with 21 dues-paying member organizations, including faith-based institutions, labor organizations, and resident cooperatives.  It was established in 1983 in response to a wave of corporate takeovers and subsequent closing of the brass mills in the Naugatuck Valley. Its mission is to bring together Valley residents, especially the poor and working poor, to build community, develop leadership skills, and take action based on their collective faith and democratic values to win systemic economic and social justice change in the region.

During its 35-year history, NVP has successfully won campaigns for community policing, language interpretation services at area hospitals and medical centers, job training and brownfield remediation programs.  The Project has successfully saved and created jobs using employee-ownership strategies, protected retiree pensions, and developed affordable cooperative housing and a community land trust.

NVP’s Environmental Justice work in the Naugatuck Valley is just getting organized.  We are excited to be a part of the CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs and to be involved in the organization’s excellent work and family. 

İSi Se Puede!

Author: sydney