Public Comment Open for CT Geothermal Workforce Development Plan

CT Geothermal Workforce Development Plan is now open for public comment! This is a critical initiative aimed at building a robust workforce to support the growth of geothermal energy in Connecticut. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of this program. If you would like to submit a comment, please email your thoughts to [email protected] by Monday, August 5th, 5 pm EST.

Summary of Recommendations

Our plan is built around four key areas of need: Equity, Training, Licensing, and Drilling. Below is a summary of our main recommendations and the actions we propose to address these needs:


Main Recommendation: Embed equity in workforce development programs through targeted outreach efforts, establish clearly defined equity-related program goals, and use holistic approaches to recruiting and training individuals from underrepresented communities.

Recommended Actions:

  • Invest a predetermined percentage of funding for recruitment in targeted communities.
  • Establish equity-centered goals for metrics such as dollars spent on outreach, the number of individuals entering training programs, and successful candidate placements.
  • Use strategies like wraparound services, soft-skill training, and subsidies for training programs and related expenses.


Main Recommendation: Increase awareness of geothermal careers with marketing campaigns and accessible low-cost training opportunities.

Recommended Actions:

  • Create a marketing campaign illustrating career pathways in geothermal.
  • Provide scholarship opportunities for HVAC training courses.
  • Prompt state-funded energy efficiency programs, such as Energize CT’s Green STEP program, to include geothermal curriculum in its trainings.
  • Encourage Connecticut training centers and institutions to use new modularized trainings, such as those offered by the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA).


Main Recommendation: Clarify the applicability of some of the heating, piping, and cooling licenses to facilitate the growth of businesses focused on heat pumps and streamline entry into the field and licensure in Connecticut.

Recommended Actions:

  • Update the description of the limited cooling licenses on CT DCP’s website to clarify that they cover heat pump installation.
  • Create informational resources about the licensing pathways available for geothermal professionals, including those with out-of-state experience or licenses.


Main Recommendation: Retrain existing drillers, entice drilling companies to diversify their businesses into geothermal drilling, and increase the availability of drill rig equipment.

Recommended Actions:

  • Establish a hub where professionals in the drilling industry can share costly training equipment and resources.
  • Support IUOE Local 478 in bringing a geothermal well driller apprenticeship program to CT.
  • Discuss public ownership of drill rigs with county governments and other stakeholders.

We encourage all interested parties to review our recommendations and share their thoughts. Your feedback will play a crucial role in refining and finalizing the CT Geothermal Workforce Development Plan. Thank you for your participation and support in advancing geothermal energy in Connecticut!

Author: sydney