A Bridgeport Carbon Free & Healthy Schools (CFHS) Steering Committee studied the potential foreconomic and social impacts of Carbon Free & Healthy Schools on the City. The study results were published in a report this week..
It also includes a letter asking city policymakers to maximize investments by including common-sense labor standards on related construction through project labor agreements that include local hire, workforce training, and prevailing wage.
By improving the health and sustainability of school facilities and campuses, the schools
themselves become a learning opportunity for STEM education. At the same time, such
improvements will benefit public health and the environment while creating local jobs in the
rapidly growing green infrastructure sector. Although public schools were not categorically
included in Plan Bridgeport, a Carbon-Free and Healthy Schools initiative aligns with Plan
Bridgeport goals.

View the report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nEIZq5z7LIRa__yVkCcIOH4ua5VBfAUh/view?usp=drivesdk