Message from the Director: November 2019

We know that Connecticut needs to make major investments in expanded mass transit. And we need to repair decaying bridges and roads after decades of neglect.

Governor Lamont’s CT2030 plan included substantial investments in rail improvements and electric buses and proposed paying for many highway improvements with federal loans backed by project-specific tolling. The details should be debated (too little for buses? too much for highways? nothing for bikes?), but we know that something of this magnitude is necessary.

Senate Democrats seemed to accept the investment vision, but they rejected tolling as a funding mechanism. Instead of asking highway users to pay for highway improvements, they want to get others to pay (legalized marijuana? sports betting?) without offering a detailed plan. The Republican leadership is unveiling their transportation plan today. Who will they send the bill to?

CRCJ has supported the regional initiative to raise money for sustainable transportation by placing a fee on fossil fuels. Join us at our gathering next week as we discuss the investment proposals and how to pay for them.

Author: sydney